Pay It ForwardDonate your homeschool books
Sure, you could take the time to find buyers for all the great books you used in your Lucerna classes. But, why not consider donating your books to another homeschooling family who could really use a helping hand. Each year, Lucerna Academy helps missionary families and needy families to home-educate their children by offering tuition discounts and free books. You could bless another Lucerna family by donating your books when you no longer need them.
Box Them UpSend them to us
It is simple to bless another homeschooling family--just box up the books from your Lucerna classes that you no longer need and mail them to us. Use whatever carrier you prefer; you might find USPS media mail shipping to be most economical. We aren't picky. We're just grateful to be able to pass your books on to another family who can put them to good use.
Mail your books to: Lucerna Academy 2886 South Fenmore Road Merrill, MI 48637 |
We'll Pass Them OnHelp another family
Our priority when donating books to families is to help Lucerna missionaries, full-time Christian workers, and families in need of financial assistance. We make a commitment to you that we will not sell the books you donate. We'll pass them along to other Lucerna families. Who knows! Your kindness could impact multiple families!
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