When you register for classes, you have a 1-day grace period. If you drop the class the day you register, there will be no charges or fees. The following day, your StudyPlace family account will bill you for the amount of the required initial payment, assuming you will be paying on a payment plan below. If you prefer to pay the tuition balance in full, you may pay off the balance at any time.
Payment Plan for Full-Year and Fall-Semester Courses
25% due at registration
15% due April 1
15% due May 1
15% due June 1
15% due July 1
15% due August 1
The later you register, the more due at the time of registration. Your balance must be paid by August 1st or at the time of registration if registering after August 1st.
For example, if you register in May, your payments will be as follows:
55% due at registration (25% at registration, plus April and May payments)
15% due June 1
15% due July 1
15% due August 1
LATE REGISTRATION If you register for a full-year or fall-semester course after August 1st, you will incur a $25 late payment fee and must pay the entire tuition balance at the time of registration.
Payment Plan for Spring-Semester Courses
10% due at registration
10% due April 1
10% due May 1
10% due June 1
10% due July 1
10% due August 1
10% due September 1
10% due October 1
10% due November 1
10% due December 1
The later you register, the more due at the time of registration. Your balance must be paid by December 1st or at the time of registration if registering after December 1st.
For example, if you register in September, your payments will be as follows:
70% due at registration (10% at registration, plus April-September payments)
10% due October 1
10% due November 1
10% due December 1
LATER REGISTRATION If you register for a spring-semester course after December 19th, you will incur a $25 late payment fee and must pay the entire tuition balance at the time of registration.
How to Make Payments
When you register for classes, you have a 1-day grace period. If you drop the class the day you register, there will be no charges or fees. The following day, your StudyPlace family account will bill you for the amount of the required initial payment, assuming you will be paying on a payment plan.
Subsequent payments are due on the first of each month. We do not automatically charge your charge card each month. It is up to you to return to your StudyPlace family account each month to make the appropriate monthly payments. No need to keep track of how much is due each month--your StudyPlace family account will keep track of that for you!
Of course, if you prefer to pay the tuition balance in full, you may pay it off at any time.
Select your credit card account from the Payment Method drop-down. (Note: If you have not yet added a credit card, you must do it now using the Add Payment Method button.)
Enter your Tuition Payment amount. Please note that for your protection you cannot enter more than $3,000 in a single payment.
Click Review Payment.
After reviewing the payment details, click Authorize Payment.
NOTE: your payment will be processed by our parent company, Sola Gratia Ministries LLC, and that name may appear on your credit card statement.
NOTE: Please wait to pay for a course until you hold a seat in that course (i.e., not on a wait list).